Tech, AI and Humans in Construction | Downtime Talk

Tech, AI and Humans in Construction | Downtime Talk
Downtime Talk
Tech, AI and Humans in Construction | Downtime Talk

Oct 23 2023 | 00:20:00

Episode 8 October 23, 2023 00:20:00

Show Notes

How do humans and tech work best together on construction jobsites? Demi Knight Clark, founder of 1 of the 2% women-owned construction businesses in the US, talks with Soeren Brogaard about efficiencies, innovation, and how the human element plays into it. Demi’s energy and passion to make a dent in the industry is certainly contagious - tune in!
Further reading and resources mentioned on the show:
Watch Demi’s TEDx Talk on empowering girls and women in construction
You want to hear more about data, tech and strategy in construction? Make sure to sign up to the Inside Eliminate Downtime newsletter.

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